I really cannot say enough how much inspiration I draw from Sean's blog. I think about that 'fundamental elements stream' every single day. The idea that those fundamental elements, the non-negotiables, are running in the background consistently, while life happens in the foreground, has really helped me to maintain control over my intake. The days are often stressful and rarely go as planned, but that doesn't mean the fundamental elements have to change...
Friday I thought I would take a half day and leave at 1:00. HAH! I left at 6:30 and ended up having to call my parents to go get my boys from daycare. I had a few fires I had to put out at work and they led to larger fires, that were eventually all put out. But when I left, completely mentally drained, I didn't even think about eating garbage. I drove straight to the grocery store, bought a bunch of healthy foods that I'll enjoy cooking and eating, and went home and ate an on-plan meal. Found out the in-laws would be arriving the next day, and they were with us all weekend. Saturday night we went to my favorite pizza place. I had two big bowls of salad with small amounts of dressing, and two slices of thin crust cheese pizza. Yesterday I prepared dinner for everyone (chicken cordon bleu, mashed potatoes, and fresh green beans) and took in a football game without mindless snacking.
The lesson here is that life will ALWAYS be stressful. There will ALWAYS be curve balls. The life stream will rarely go exactly the way I think it will and despite my best efforts, I can't plan it into existence, but I can control the fundamental elements and make them a priority. That shift in mindset has really been a game-changer for me recently.
Oh, did I mention it's day 13 of no sweets?
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